
Sifu Tim Richards
Tim Richards is a certified strength coach and personal trainer, and has been training in various martial arts for over forty years. He began his journey with Progressive Fighting Systems in 2004 and is Jeet Kune Do Full Instructor under Sifu Paul Vunak, founder of Progressive Fighting Systems.
Other notable Masters Tim has had the honor and privilege of training under are Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal, founder of the Jeet Kune Do Athletic Association, and Grand Master James Hundon, founder of Universal Martial Arts Academy / Dynamic Small Circle Ju Trap Boxing, and protege of Great Grandmaster Wally Jay, the founder of Small Circle Jujitsu.
In 2013 Tim received his certification to teach Ju Trap Boxing and became the first affiliate school of Universal Martial Arts Academy. In 2018 he received his highest honor and was awarded the rank of Full Instructor in Small Circle Ju Trap Boxing from Grand Master James Hundon.
Tim is a proud, and humble student of the brilliant Masters before him, all of whom continue to guide and help him evolve and grow as a martial artist, teacher, and human being.
Tim loves helping people of all ages excel in the areas of fitness, health, martial arts and self preservation. He utilizes techniques and training modalities from multiple disciplines to develop his client's abilities and enhance their performance. He is proficient in teaching realistic self defense and helping people reach their full potential.
Tim places great value on physical wellness, which provides us with the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. He has overcome serious injuries and has been able to repair the damage by taking a holistic view on healing and strengthening.
Through proper rehabilitation methodologies and consistent progressive activity, he has successfully rehabilitated his ACL ligaments and meniscus tears in his knees, an AC ligament separation in his shoulder and carpel tunnel in both wrists.
Tim's experience in martial arts, extreme sports, and recovering from injuries has inspired him to share his passion for wellness with others. He really enjoys empowering people with the self confidence to walk through life without fear, knowing they have the ability to protect themselves and their families.
Tim's goal is to provide his students a means to develop and grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He will show you ways to incorporate fun and fitness into your daily routine, aligning your mind-body-spirit connection, preserving your body's range of motion, reducing your risk of injury, allowing you the freedom to do what you love.
- Universal Martial Arts Academy Certified Full Instructor
- Jeet Kune Do Athletic Association Certified Full Instructor
- Universal Martial Arts Academy * Finger Locks * Coach Level 3
- Progressive Fighting Systems Certified Full Instructor
- Action Strength Coach * Blue Belt
- ACT Certified Personal Trainer
- CPR/AED Certified & Fully Insured

Mackenzie Pike
a.k.a. Wellness Fox
As a holistic strength coach, wellness coach, and self-defense instructor, it is my passion to bring playful energy into my practice and to push the boundaries of self-discovery for each individual. I seek to help individuals transform into their best self through diverse methods of training ranging from martial arts and strength training to rebalancing and yoga.
I am a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Action Strength Coach * Blue Belt, Reiki II Practitioner, wellness coach, and self-defense instructor.
- Action Strength Coach * Blue Belt
- NASM Certified Personal Trainer
- Wellness Coach
- PFS Apprentice Self Defense Instructor
- Masters in Integrative Health @ CIIS
- 415-857-2513

Grandmaster James Hundon
Grandmaster James Hundon has over 45 years experience in the martial arts. He is the founder of Universal Martial Arts Academy and UMAA Defensive Tactics; and the creator of Small Circle Ju Trap Boxing.
His titles include 7th Degree Black Belts in both Small Circle Jujitsu and Kyohuejitsumae; a second degree Black Belt in Sugar Ryu Jujitsu; black belts in Chinese Kenpo and Kodenkan Jujitsu; Full Instructor in Jeet Kune Do Concepts and Filipino Martial Arts under Sigung Paul Vunak; the locking specialist and member of Jeet Kune Do Athletic Association, founded by Harinder Singh; a certified Master Defensive Tactics instructor with Force Options Tactical Training Solutions (listed with the International Martial Arts Council of America-Law Enforcement Division); a certified Defensive Tactics Edged Weapons instructor with Progressive Fighting Systems; a certified Baton Instructor with Personal Safety Training Incorporated and Force Options; and an Advanced Instructor in Serrada Escrima under Master Khalid Khan.
Grandmaster Hundon is currently working on his Master's Certification in Serrada Escrima under Grandmaster Darren Tibon, founder of Angel's Disciples. Grandmaster Hundon has also studied Capoeira Angola extensively, as well as Shorinji Kenpo and boxing. Grandmaster Hundon has been training law enforcement officers since the 1970's. He has extensive experience in the security industry, both armed and unarmed.
- 415-756-8635

Andrew Hageman
Andrew has over 10 years of experience in the martial arts. Since early 2011, he has been focusing his attention on Jeet Kune Do, Ju Trap Boxing, and Escrima. He enjoys helping newer students to embody basic concepts and strategies related to self-defense so that they can move on to the more advanced movements and strategies as presented by Sifu Tim Richards and Professor James Hundon.
In 2017, Andrew received his 1-6 Certification from Angel's Disciples Escrima Association.
As an American Council on Exercise, Certified Personal Trainer, Andrew emphasizes safe re-balancing and re-conditioning of the body. Once balance and stability are established, programming can include strength, power, agility, flexibility, and endurance training. Cardiorespiratory training is also available.
Andrew holds a BS in Psychology and an MA in East-West Psychology and holds a strong interest in understanding the impact of physical training on one's psychological life. He views the body and mind as interdependent, and associates many physical symptoms with repetitive thought patterns.
In order to experience this connection, emphasis is placed on nurturing a state of relaxation and calm in both the body and mind. From there, we can first build awareness of the body and mindfulness of movement. With this advantage, more athletic movements can be built with very little risk of injury. Ultimately, the goal is embodied self-knowledge related to self-defense and overall fitness.
- Action Strength Coach *Yellow Belt
- ACE Certified Personal Trainer
- PFS Apprentice Self Defense Instructor
- Serrada Escrima 1-6
- Masters in East-West Psychology @ CIIS
- BS in Psychology
- 415-860-5386

Tim loves working with kids of all ages. He has taught classes at the San Francisco China Town YMCA including special needs classes. Tim has had the amazing opportunity to help kids with Autism, Down syndrome and ADHD. The Programs are designed to help the children develop their physical attributes as well as obtain mental focus.
Tim also teaches functional fitness and martial arts classes to kids at local elementary schools, providing them with a fun and challenging curriculum designed to enhance their physical development and self-confidence. Every class is tailored to the specific needs of each school and age group.
Tim offers smaller group classes for parents wanting more personalized instruction and specific focus for their children. He works with parents to coordinate times that meet their demanding schedules at convenient locations within their neighborhood.
If you're interested in starting a group class in your neighborhood, please contact Tim for more information.
"I've been attending Tim's classes for almost two years now. For me, martial art is a way of self-improvement, knowing what your body gives, what are its limits and how to push the boundaries.
Tim mixes techniques from different martial arts - boxing, trapping, kicks, weapons (knives, sticks, blades). Every aspect is built on top of fundamental principles - movement, balance, flow, sensitivity and feeling the opponent, everything is integrated and connected.
Tim will offer much guidance and attention, classes feel very private and the atmosphere is friendly and welcoming.
- Eugene Chechurin, Dec 2016, Software Engineer
"I have studied Jeet Kune Do under Sifu Tim Richards since April 2011. In the beginning, I was afraid I might miss if I ever tried to punch someone, and I would have surely become frozen and/or got knocked out if anyone came at me very aggressively. With his guidance, I have learned to be much more calm in potentially violent situations, and I have gained a great deal of confidence about my ability to deal with physical conflict out on the streets of San Francisco. I used to work in the Tenderloin and this training made walking through that neighborhood much more manageable. I would say I even became more bold and able to confront situations more directly rather than passively move away and ignore things that didn't seem right. Life changes a lot when one is no longer afraid of physical conflict. Knowing your body, its limitations, and strengths is advantageous.
Because he is also a personal trainer, I continue to learn a great deal about the body from Tim. Because of him, I became more lean and more athletic than I've ever been in my life at the age of 33."
- Andrew Hageman, Oct 2015, Service Industry Revenue Manager
"I have been training with Tim, since the beginning of this year, first starting off with the physical training to get back in shape then moving on to the martial arts. What i really liked about Tim's approach is that he incorporates and encompasses a complete body and mind foundation. He drives in the importance of proper nutrition as well as keeping up at home with the basic training tenants that he teaches you.
Tim works with you during the orientation process to establish your goals and derives a personalized training regiment from there. Having just been working with him for little over half a year , I have felt the best and the healthiest I have in years. Tim is great about working at your personal pace and knows when to push and when to pull back. He has given me knowledge of exercises i can do anytime and any place which are as effective if not more than some expensive gym and equipment.
The Jeet Kune Do has been extremely fun and watching Tim and his mastery of these various martial arts as well as training under someone of his caliber has been a great privilege. I look forward to my days training with him and am much more confident not only in mind but in body as well.
There are a great group of people who go to the small group classes and Andrew (Tim's Assistant) is top notch as well.
I consider Tim not only my Sifu and Mentor but also a friend. Its hard not to be affected by Tim's energy.
If you are looking for either personalized training or martial arts I highly recommend giving Tim a call and going to the orientation.
The only drawback is I wish i could go everyday. :)"
- Dennis Gwinn, Sep 2013, Sound Engineer and Professional Promoter
"Tim Richard's training methods have been wonderful for my son. There is a certain magic Tim's teaching has that really helps children focus while learning about their body's ability to move. Tim employs a huge variety of training tools so the kids are always excited to see what's next. His energy and enthusiasm make each class an adventure! Whether one-on-one or group participation, I cannot recommend his sessions highly enough."
Jake: "Do we have training with Tim today?" Me: "Yes" Jake: "Awesome. That means Wednesday's my favorite day!" It is Jake's favorite of everything he does, and he is a busy kid. Basketball, soccer, baseball, swimming, even skiing - he'd rather be "training with Tim". He is learning self-defense and focus in a fun, movement-filled setting, and these skills help with all of his other pursuits.
- Jen Croteau, Summer 2013, Proud Mom
"A couple of months ago I decided that i wanted to make a change in my life. I wanted it to be a complete change. I knew that there were many different people out there that were physical trainers.. but i felt that I wanted more.
I didn't just want someone to watch as I lifted weights. I thought that I could go anywhere for that. What really appealed to me about Tim and Peace of Mind was that his approach dealt with the my entire being. I had many questions about nutrition and how that effected my daily mental state. I felt embarrassed when I told Tim that I really had no idea how to eat... even though I am a 33 year old man. Tim put me at ease and explained the ins-and-outs of nutrition and how to eat... and just not what to eat. It has changed the way that I interact with food to the core... and I feel that it is one of the main reasons that i have been able to maintain an amazing positive attitude during some pretty trying times.
One of the things that I was really impressed with right off the bat was that Tim invited me down for a free 90-minute introductory session. We went through some of the basics of nutrition and really put my mind at ease. It is pretty intimidating going into a trainers space not really knowing what to expect.... but Tim put me in a great place. He also put me through some tests so that he could asses some of my weaknesses so that he could tailor my workouts around them. It let me know that Tim was really looking out for me and was concerned with my goals.
It has been a couple of months now and I have to say that I look forward to working with Tim every week. I can see the changes in my body that I have always wanted.. and now with Tim's help am working for. I have put into practice Tim's teachings and have noticed improvements in my balance, body composition, knowledge or random muscle groups, and overall health and well being.
I consider Tim a friend and much more then a trainer. I would recommend Tim and Peace of Mind to anyone who is new to fitness and would like to achieve a better understanding of the whole concept."
- Richie Fredell, May 2013, EMT
"I first started training with Tim about three months ago. In the dim and distant past I had trained in Japanese Martial arts and even though it has been more than twenty years, I was very drawn to a training session that I saw Tim delivering.
Tim is extremely thorough. He took the time to ensure that I was physically capable to undertake the training. This is especially important since being older now - I am not as supple or strong as I used to be. He also emphasizes the importance of nutrition and general fitness as an integral part of the training and life in general.
The training that Tim offers is quite honestly breathtaking in its scope and structure. It focuses the mind and body on a highly dynamic art. It is mentally stimulating and demanding as it requires you to think about movement and reaction to things that happen in real life. Jeet Kune Do is a mixed martial art and pulls from many different styles - so I find myself having so stay alert as we dynamically switch from one style to another.
Tim is an excellent instructor and breaks down the mechanics of all the areas leaving you with a great understanding during training.
I would quite honestly recommend Tim as an instructor and personal trainer to anyone."
- Priyanta Dharmasena, Mar 2013, Bay Area Software Engineer
I've been training with Tim for about four months in a combination of personal
training and martial arts practice. Tim's knowledge and enthusiasm make for a
great experience. Whether it's working on strength, flexibility, agility, he is
conscious of both your strengths and weaknesses tailors the experience to make
sure you are getting the most out of your time with him. On the martial arts
side of the training, the things he teaches are immediately applicable in
serious situations that you hope you will never encounter, but if you did, would
be much better prepared to defend yourself and/or your family. He keeps it
interesting, changing from art to art, and balancing between self protection and
self perfection.
- Charles Barry, Oct 2011, Real Estate Executive
"I've been working out with Tim for about one and a half years, and I improved what I wanted to work out, which is a strong general condition in order to climb long routes. Tim knows the secrets of building a strong physical condition. His experience and achievements in martial arts gives him a different approach to training, much more balanced approach than one might expect. Even if your focus is not martial arts, I strongly advise you to play his many different games used in the rebalancing of your muscular structure. Tim knows extremely well how to do this. Besides his skillfulness, I have to say he's very committed, kind and present, always ready for a session, helpful in leading you to the next step, respecting your self imposed limits, if you'd have any..."
- Oriol Ribas, June 2011, Investment Banker
"Though I have only trained with Tim briefly, I have already seen significant improvements both in my abilities as a martial artist and in my physical well-being. Having been sidelined with a nasty, three-part leg injury for the last year and a half that has precluded my training or teaching martial arts, I have seen numerous physical therapists, physiotherapists, and practitioners of sports medicine, but it was Tim who gave me the final piece of the puzzle that has gotten me back on my feet again. His extensive personal experience with injuries no doubt helped him to truly relate to my predicament, put himself in my shoes, and offer solutions that would build up exactly the right muscles and tendons without putting unnecessary stress on the other points of injury. As a result, I am back to working out twice a day and teaching again, in addition to regularly enjoying Tim's thoroughly studied approach to martial arts, which continues to fill in the holes in my own martial education. "
- Jeff Tkachuk, July 2011, Fitness Professional
"If you would like to learn about yourself and feel better then you ever have before, then meet Tim. Every time I connect with Tim, the rest of my day is great. He teaches you to be more in tune with yourself, and your body. I have a shoulder problem and he has come up with my own personal sets of strength training routines to improve my weaknesses. So if you are like me and you want to accomplish knowledge of the self, health and feeling positive, Tim is the person for you."
- April Fredrickson, Apr 2011, Bay Area Artist
Tim has been training me in disciplines of self-defense for 3 years now and I find that he is extremely knowledgeable and has a great passion for training. His techniques have real life applications and provide great full-body conditioning as well. I highly recommend Tim's services for anyone wanting to get in shape or learn highly effective self-defense techniques.
- Cody Hoyer, Fall 2008, Service Industry Revenue Manager
I recommend Tim Richards as an instructor and trainer. I have worked with Tim and found him to be responsible, prompt and proficient at his undertakings. Anyone wishing to utilize Tim in any position in his field will find him to be a valuable asset and a hardworking individual.
- Thomas Cruse, 2006, VP Operations & Senior Instructor Progressive Fighting Systems
To witness Tim in action would broaden your positive impression considerably: he is at once an inspiring teacher, a charismatic dignitary, a prudent businessman, a good listener, and a prolific martial artist.
- Duane Kenney, 2006, Sales Executive at Taylor Made
I have worked with Tim Richards in a variety of roles and settings - one of his greatest assets I have observed is diligence and positivity regardless of the circumstances. As a teacher of martial arts and self defense, Tim has guided me through the principals of Jeet Kune Do and boxing. As a personal trainer Tim has introduced me to engaging and vitalizing athletic activities and encouraged me to excel. Tim's commitment and high energy are infectious - he keeps his students excited and focused through those tough workouts. His experience with a massive array of exercise practices keep things interesting, and he's able to find just the right thing for each individual. Add to that his knowledge of sports nutrition and how to recover from a tough workout, and you've found someone who can take you to the next level - whether you're looking to lose weight and tone, or become the athlete of your dreams!
-Mojohito Richerson von Tchudi, 2004, Wellness Professional
Please make direct contact to schedule an orientation.
cell 415-608-3723 or email
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